Book Civil Engineering Construction Management by Alan Twort and Gordon Rees Download [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 8, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 712
Virtually all civil engineering structures are unique. They have to be designed for some specific purpose at some specific location before they can be constructed and put to use. Consequently the completion of any civil engineering project involves five stages of activity which comprise the following:
1. Defining the location and nature of the proposed works and the quality and magnitude of the service they are to provide. 
2. Obtaining any powers and permissions necessary to construct the works.
3. Designing the works and estimating their probable cost. 
4. Constructing the works.
5. Testing the works as constructed and putting them into operation.
All the civil engineering works need management of some sort. Construction and Project management is a foundation for the success or failure of any civil engineering project. Project manager is the person that caters all the activities during the project and ensure smooth execution of the activities without any delay so that project can be completed within minimum duration and optimum quality.
Civil Engineering Project Management by Alan Twort and Gordon Rees

This book is very useful and unique, written in simple English, explains each and every definition in project management and is considered as text book for the subject Construction planning and management. 

Title of the Book

Civil Engineering Project Management

Authors of the Book

Alan Twort
Gordon Rees

Edition of the Book

4th Edition

Contents of the book

Chapter 1: the Development of construction procedures
Chapter2: Procedures for design and construction
Chapter 3: Payment arrangements, risks and Project cost estimating
Chapter 4: Contract conditions used for civil engineering work
Chapter 5: Preparing contract Documents
Chapter 6: Tendering
Chapter 7: The contractor’s site organization
Chapter 8: The employer and his engineer
Chapter 9: The resident engineer’s Duties
Chapter 10: Health and safety regulations
Chapter 11: Starting the construction work
Chapter 12: Site surveys’ investigation and layout
Chapter 13: The resident engineer’s office records
Chapter 14: Programme and Progress Charts
Chapter 15: Measurement and bills of quantities
Chapter 16: Interim monthly payments
Chapter 17: Variations and claims
Chapter 18: Earthworks and pipelines
Chapter 19: Site concerning and reinforcement

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