Download Hydraulic Structures 4th Edition by P. Novak, A.I.B, Moffat, C. Nalluri and R. Narayanan Free PDF

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: November 27, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 2 min | 👁Post Views: 1032
The construction of dams ranks with the earliest and most fundamental of civil engineering activities. All great civilizations have been identified with the construction of storage reservoirs appropriate to their needs, in the earliest instances to satisfy irrigation demands arising through the development and expansion of organized agriculture. Operating within constraints imposed by local circumstance, notably climate and terrain, the economic power of successive civilizations was related to proficiency in water engineering.

Prosperity, health and material progress became increasingly linked to the ability to store and direct water. In an international context, the proper and timely utilization of water resources remains one of the most vital contributions made to society by the civil engineer.
Dam construction represents a major investment in basic infrastructure within all nations. The annual completion rate for dams of all sizes continues at a very high level in many countries, e.g. China, Turkey and India, and to a lesser degree in some more heavily industrialized nations including the United States.

Name of the Book

Hydraulic Structures

Authors of the Book

P. Novak, A.I.B, Moffat, C. Nalluri and R. Narayanan

Contents of the Book

Dam Engineering
Elements of Dam Engineering
Embankment dam engineering
Concrete dam engineering
Dam outlet works
Energy dissipation
Gates and valves
Dam Safety: Instrumentation and Surveillance
Part 2 Other Hydraulic Structures
River Engineering
Diversion Works
Cross Drainage and drop structures
Inland Waterways
Hydroelectric power development
Pumping stations
Waves and offshore engineering
Coastal engineering
Models in hydraulic engineering

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