27+ Civil Engineering Status for Whatsapp Group

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: February 11, 2017 | ⏳Read Time: 2 min | 👁Post Views: 1625

Civil Engineering we all know is a field of rough and tough people, the civil engineers work hard 24 x 7, don’t get holidays often and are bound to live away from their families sometimes. But, they are human beings whose nature is to be social and there is no other good option than to use whatsapp, facebook, twitter and other social media sites.

I myself is working on a DAM project many KM away from a city and have very limited internet facility. So here I have tried to collect the whatsapp status for civil engineers to be a bit professional and enthusiast :-

1. Where Engineering Meets Art!
2. Everyday is an Adventure when u are a Civil Engineer!
3. Hard as Concrete, Flexible as Steel!
4. You Dreamt it We Built it!
5. We Make, We Rule!
6. Please Stand Back while I Work my Magic!
7. All Men are created Equal, Some just Evolve to become Civil Engineer!
8. The Best Creator After God!
9. Building the World!
10. Life’s Great – When u are a Civil Engineer!
11. We are not just Perfect! We are Civil Engineers too!
12. Live like Legend! Live like Civil Engineer!
13. Challenges – We Love Them!
14. Build ur Dreams with Us!
15. God created Earth But We Civilized it!
16. We Make Home Happens!
17. Where there is Civil there is a Way!
18. Engineering is Rarely Civil!
19. We convert Dreams into Reality!
20. We’ve got the Biggest Erections & Deepest Boreholes!
21. 1:4:3 – My Love Proportions!
22. Strength & Hardness are part of Life!
23. Concrete Thoughts!
24. Where Expectations meet Reality!
25. Civil is in my DNA!

26. Man of Steel!
27. Humans are many, Civil are few !!! 
I hope you have liked these 27+ Civil Engineering Status for Whatsapp, 

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