9+ Home Building Trends 2018 to Watch

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: May 13, 2018 | ⏳Read Time: 6 min | 👁Post Views: 750

As the year has started the people are now looking for trends in home building, home building trends 2018, trends in residential architecture; So today I am going to present my research and experience with you.
As the size of computer has been reduced a lot in the past decades allowing us to keep it in our pockets, from laptop to mobile and from there to just a wrist watch; similar to that, we might be taking our homes with us everywhere. Where ever the scenes look good, we would assemble it and started living there.
Oh Yes! The construction and infrastructure technology is progressing by leaps and bounds. Recently, in Japan and China the fastest construction techniques has been utilized to build a home in a day and to construct the highway in hours.
The progress made in the previous year has now been doubled in this year. Construction of home is now a revolutionized technology. A new market has been developed and new the buyers have new set of trends called home building trends 2018.
The clients are demanding a huge set of innovations which has pressurized the contractors to follow new innovative trends in construction. So in return the contractors are utilizing technological inventions in construction and are engaging as well as synchronizing the new trends. So let’s see what are some of the hot new trends being followed or to watch in 2018.

Smart Home Control

As new technologies are being emerged at a fast rate; we have smart phones and tablets with us; so our homes are also becoming smart. Automatic and electronic control of the home is the biggest trend of 2018. This control allows you to save energy and moreover, you can customize the settings of your home according to your personal needs and demands.

Say Good Bye to Stainless Steel and White Appliances

In the design construction industry all are predicting that in the coming years white and stainless steel appliances would be wiped out and their usage would be vanished. Different thoughts are being made for their alternatives as Copper, Stone, Granite or concrete. With the advancement in light weight concrete industry and by increased understanding of its matrix; concrete would be the largest construction material in the time to come.
Stainless Steel

Innovative and harmonious bed rooms

The days are gone when the bedrooms were flooded with heavy duty beds, cupboards and cabinets. Now the trend of keeping the things as few as possible is being flourished. It was revealed that if the rooms would be flooded with more items the loss in energy would be more.
The buyers are now looking for comfortable bedrooms embellished with decorative colors. The coloring trends are adjusted to provide luminous glance with the cooling effect.
Bedroom Trends

Widened Approaches and Hallways

As the man gets older, he prefers to stay at home instead of looking for new technologies and trends as you are. So this means you want your home to be in match with the traditions and moreover, if someone uses wheel chair or want to allow children to use scooters in home then obviously you need wide hallways. So for old guys of your home, you need wide doors with hallways allowing them to move with ease.

Light Flooring

The previous year was year of light and hard flooring but this year it would go to the next level. Although maintenance of white floor is never easy but when you would eye on your kitchen, bathrooms and living years you would feel proud on your decision. White tiles and fixtures would enlighten your home even in nights and in dimness.

Colorful Kitchen

This trend is also booming and thriving in our homes. The walls of kitchen are colored in various shades and patterns and same is done with the cabinets and countertops. This actually gives a lively feeling to the occupants and also the females could enjoy cooking in such a colorful environment.
Kitchen Trends

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Tank-less Water Heater

The wise house owners are keen to save energy and money. This is the reason that such heater are becoming popular that heats water instantly without having to store the hot water. These heaters only warm the water when the tab is turned on. They can be operated by both electricity and gas. These water heaters are lesser in size and occupy less space as compared with the traditional jumbo water heaters.
Tank-less Water Heater

Wall Tile Design

Wallpapers had been a trendy design for decoration of room walls in the previous year. But now in 2018 it would be replaced by the use of colorful decorative tiles. The design of tiles can give the walls of your home a new current and life with artistic nature. The maintenance is not as easy and frequent as in the case of wall papers. So while ever you are going to construct your home be sure to select wisely.
Wall Tile Designs

Roof Decks

Previously this feature was solely associated with the apartment style of homes. But now it is a trendy addition in design of houses. Roof decks are a perfect match for trend in outdoor living. Many landscape architecture firms have begun to specialize in the design and construction of it.
You can fill the deck with comfortable furniture and can enjoy the scene of sinking sun or a sea shore.
Roof Decks
So that’s all dear, I have tried to search a lot in finding these trends and innovations. I hope you’d love this write-up. Please do follow up, subscribe via email of if you think I have missed something please share it in the comment box below. I would be privileged to have you on board.

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