Types of Building Structures

Construction of buildings can be divided into three main categories: Load bearing constructionComposite constructionFramed construction But among the three types, framed construction is widely used for all kinds of constructions. An engineering structure is an assembly of number of elements transferring the loads and providing a form space to serve the desired function. The structural … Read more

Stone Masonry and its Types

Rock, that is removed from its natural site and generally, cut or dressed and then finished for building purposes, is called \”Stone\” and the art of building the structure with stones as constructional units is called \”Stone Masonry\”. (1) Rubble Masonry(2) Ashlar Masonry Rubble Masonry The stone masonry in which either undressed or roughly dressed … Read more

Different types of Bonds used in Brick Masonry

Bond is the arrangement of bricks or stones in each course, so as to ensure the greatest possible interlocking and to avoid the continuity of vertical joints in two successive courses, both on the face and in the body of a wall. Types of Bonds used in Masonry OBJECTIVES OF BONDS A bond is provided … Read more

Brick Masonry

When bricks are laid in mortar in a proper systematic manner, they form a homogeneous mass, which can withstand forces without disintegration. This mass of the structure, so made by the use of bricks is called \”Brick Masonry\” or simply \”Brick work\”. Bricks are of uniform size and shape, light in weight, durable, fire resistant, … Read more

Industrial Sector Combustion Emissions, How to reduce and control?

Industrial activities play an important role in the economic well-being of a country contributing to sustainable growth. However, industrial activities also have a significant impact on the environment. Industrial Sector Combustion Emissions, How to reduce and control?  The largest industrial installations account for a considerable share of total emissions of key atmospheric pollutants and also … Read more