Automatic Cleaning of Highways from Snow and Ice [VIDEO]

The Winter is here and the difficulty mostly faced by most of the highway users is the snow that always get the traffic stuck in there. Now scientist have invented such a machine that automatically clears the snow and place in the dumper which is than taken to the dumping site. [youtube]

Concrete Overlays for Flexible and Rigid Pavements

Cement Concrete both Plain and Reinforced overlays are used as a rehabilitation technique for both existing Rigid and asphaltic pavements.  Concrete overlays have potential advantage over asphaltic overlays owing to :- Extended service life Increased structural capacity Reduced maintenance requirements Lower life-cycle costs When compared with hot-mix asphalt overlay alternatives Concrete overlays have been used … Read more

Amazing wall rendering machine, Automatic wall plastering machine AWQ800

In Building Construction the Brick masonry construction is a time-taking job, especially when the walls are load bearing. The finishing work in Building Construction is comparatively more time-consuming then the construction of the skeletal structure. Scientists have recently developed an automatic machine that can do the plastering work for you just in few minutes, Yeah … Read more

Walking Excavator ET110 of XCMG China

Ever since its establishment in July 1989, XCMG has remained the leader of China\’s construction machinery industry. At present, XCMG ranks within the Top 5 of the global construction machinery industry, 119th in the top 500 enterprises in China, and 44th in the top 500 manufacturing companies in China. XCMG is the most competitive and … Read more

Full houses have been constructed using the three-dimensional printers

Three-dimensional printing is a form of modern manufacturing technology, which goes to a large number of the leading plastic household items, toys and many other industry companies. We have seen in the past few days that a range of different tools in various industries have been made by its industry by these printers. The latest … Read more