12+ Skills civil engineering students must have

Throughout the four years I have spent in an engineering college I have gone through various challenges and difficult situations where your survival sometimes look difficult for you and you think“Now it’s the time to leave this world”. Don’t take engineering as easy as sciences or arts, although not any work in this world is … Read more

Retaining Walls, the support soil needs to stand up

We know that soil or any other loose granular material has a safe angle of repose at which the soil or material can withstand without any requirement of confinement or support. But due to practical and property restrictions we in some cases need to cut or fill the soil at some unstable angle which if … Read more

Download Design of Reinforced Concrete by Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson

Reinforced Concrete Structures are widely being constructed throughout the world and because of availability of raw materials required to design a mix, they lead other building materials like wood, stones etc. Mostly the code and guidelines used to design reinforced concrete structures is that of American Concrete Institute (ACI). In this post I will be … Read more

Things you should know about rutting

A very common premature pavement failure in most countries is seen as a surface depression in the wheel path. The depression which is formed is called a rut and along the rut uplift occurs due to shearing. Ruts are particularly evident after a rain when they are filled with water. Rutting may occur only in … Read more

Difference between free way (motorway) and a simple highway?

In pavement engineering we mostly hear the terms highway, motorway and freeway. These terms sometimes causes confusion about what they mean in real and what is the basic difference in them. In this post we will try to find the basic difference between these terms. Difference between motorway and simple highway Firstly all these terms … Read more