The daunting task of airport planning

Some times you as a civil engineer stuck in certain tasks where you find difficult in counting variable or parameters on which your certain given task is dependent on; Airport planning is such a daunting task; there are alot of parameters and variables which you have to consider so that your decisions might not get … Read more

lab manual for SOM

Strength Laboratory deals with the strength testing of structural materials. While designing any structure, one of the most important concerns of design engineer is to determine the strength of any material that has to be used in the construction of relevant structure. The material should be strong enough to carry load for which the subject … Read more

Free Download software MDSolids:

 MDSOLIDS: is software for topics taught in the Mechanics of Materials course (also commonly called Strength of Materials). This course is typically a part of civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering programs and a number of related programs. The software also features a number of modules for topics taught in the Statics course. MDSolids consists of … Read more

Windows Made of “paint”

Let me introduce to you a very elegant and eye-catching high-rise residential complex. Yichang Meijing – Cost – effec This building named “Yichang Meijing” is located in China’s city of Gingdao in Shibei district. Did you notice anything strange in it.? Hope so not, but a very interesting thing that has shocked the news is … Read more

Vehicular and Industrial Combustion Emissions Presentation

Combustion is a process by which any thing burns, in our industries and in our vehicles we utilize this process to get some energy and then some power. But these combustion processes are not prefect and thus we have some emissions along with it which produces many harmful and hazardous effects on our environment. vehicular … Read more