Download Bridge Engineering Handbook Superstructure Design By Wai-Fah Chen and Lian Duan

Throughout the history of civilization bridges have been the icons of cities, regions, and countries. All bridges are useful for transportation, commerce, and war. Bridges are necessary for civilization to exist, and many bridges are beautiful. A few have become the symbols of the best, noblest, and most beautiful that mankind has achieved. The secrets … Read more

15+ Amazing Architectural Designs of the World

By allowing free your creativity and passion, these architects were able to create wonderful architectural structures that inspire genuine admiration. 1. Building Infosys. Hinjewadi, Pune Province. India The headquarters of Infosys in India, is a beautiful building of high technology. The whole structure looks like an aircraft and this illusion is created by the way: … Read more

\’A Casa do Penedo, “the House of Stone,” Fafe mountains, northern Portugal\’

Constructed between four giant stones and linked with a concrete mix, the house is rumored to be inspired by the popular American Flintstones cartoon. Although quite unusual, the prehistoric-looking residence does feature some traditional components such as windows, a front door, and even a shingled roof. As you might expect, the house’s design attracts thousands … Read more

\’A Casa do Penedo, “the House of Stone,” Fafe mountains, northern Portugal\’

Constructed between four giant stones and linked with a concrete mix, the house is rumored to be inspired by the popular American Flintstones cartoon. Although quite unusual, the prehistoric-looking residence does feature some traditional components such as windows, a front door, and even a shingled roof. As you might expect, the house’s design attracts thousands … Read more

ACI Code Concrete Overlays for Pavement Rehabilitation Download PDF

Hydraulic cement concrete overlays are used as a rehabilitation technique for both existing concrete and asphalt pavements. Concrete overlays offer the potential for extended service life, increased structural capacity, reduced maintenance requirements, and lower life-cycle costs when compared with hot-mix asphalt overlay alternatives. Concrete overlays have been used to rehabilitate existing concrete pavements since 1913 … Read more