India to build world\’s highest railway bridge Chenab Bridge in Jammu Kashmir

You might have travelled above 1000 feet in aero-plane but you must not have travelled at that much height with a Railcar, But Indian engineers are ready to lift such a bulky weighty weighing car of iron to a height 35 meters more than that of Eiffel Tower. @import url(; \”The Project worth more than … Read more

Download The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction by L.F. Webster

The definitions in the book have been compiled to be of use to those working in a wide range of professions related to civil engineering and trades involving architecture, engineering, surveying building, heavy construction, forestry, surface and open-pit mining, and public works.  \”Download The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction\” @import url(; Title of … Read more

Download Civil Engineering Formulas by Tyler G. Hicks [PDF]

The Book \”Civil Engineering Formulas\” by \”Tyler G. Hicks\” is a heaven for civil engineers practicing their work in the field, The book is a comprehensive easy to use tool containing hundreds of formulas used on almost every situation. Civil Engineering like all other engineering disciplines contains formulas that has to be memorized or that has … Read more

Determine the water absorption of coarse aggregate

@import url(; The limit of water absorption by coarse aggregates is determined so as to calculate the appropriate amount of water to be added to the concrete mix, thus modifying the water cement ratio. A bone dry aggregate would necessitate, while for wet aggregate water contents should be reduced. \”Determine the water absorption by coarse … Read more

Download Rock Slope Engineering & Civil and Mining by Duncan C Wyllie & Christopher W Mah [PDF]

A variety of engineering activities require excavation of rock cuts. In civil engineering, projects include transportation systems such as highways and railways, dams for power production and water supply, and industrial and urban development. In mining, open pits account for the major portion of the world’s mineral production.  The dimensions of open pits range from … Read more