Download Book on Bridge Engineering by J. A. L Waddell [pdf]

Today bridge building is truly a science; only three decades back it as hardly worthy to be termed an art; while seventy-five years ago, it was no better than a trade. Nearly all of the important and distinctive features of modern American Bridge practice have been developed within the memories of engineers still living; and … Read more

Download Megastructure Documentary on Mega BreakDown Yankee Stadium

Located in Bronx, an area of New York City, New York Yankee Stadium was built and opened in April 18, 1923. It exists there as the home ballpark of the New York Yankees, one of the city’s Major League Baseball franchises, from 1923 to 1973. It is a historic and an fans are emotionally attached … Read more

Sawing of Timber, Cutting of Timber

Saying of Timber may be defined as  “To cut the logs into various formations into pieces is called sawing.” Purpose of sawing The logs (trees after felled) if not cut for a long time would results in circumferential shrinkage because of drying of moisture from the outer most part and less dryness in the inner … Read more

Felling of Trees to get Timber

This short post is a series of post on Timber structures and Timber engineering. We know that the main source of timber is trees and forests are sources of trees. Firstly the trees are felled and than the log (fallen tree) is cut in several ways called sawing.  Here are some of tips for felling … Read more

Contract Documents Definition, parts, sample

A contract document consists of following types of papers:1. Conditions of contract2. Technical Specifications3. Bill of Quantities or BOQ4. Contract Drawings5. Form of contract Note: Language for all the documents should be exact , so that, later on the meaninings may not be  wrongly interpreted. 1. Conditions of Contract Conditions of contract are classified into … Read more