Civil Engineering Jobs in HydroPower Plant Sector in Pakistan

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: October 2, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 781

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Civil Engineer Operations are Required in a HydroPower Sector Company

A power sector company requires the services of experienced civil engineers preferably having experience of hydropower plant operations and maintenance. The selected engineers can be based anywhere in Pakistan

  Industry HydroPower Sector
Functional Area Operation and Maintenance of Hydropower Plant Civil Works
Total Positions 2
Company Name Power Sector Company
Job Type Not Provided
Job Location Anywhere in Pakistan
Gender Not Specified
Age(Max) Not Specified
Education B.Sc. Civil Engineer
Career Level Not Specified
Experience 10 years and 7 years.
Newspaper Jang
Contact Number not provided
Apply @ :
Apply Now
Email [email protected]
Last Date to Apply

function checkd(){ var d = new Date(); var DDate = d.getDate(); var DMonth = d.getMonth(); var DYear = d.getFullYear(); var LDate = \’14-10-2016\’; var TDate = DDate + \”-\” + DMonth + \”-\” + DYear; dateFirst = LDate.split(\’-\’); dateSecond = TDate.split(\’-\’); tempd = dateFirst[1]-1; var dateOne = new Date(dateFirst[2], tempd, dateFirst[0]); //Year, Month, Date //last date var dateTwo = new Date(dateSecond[2], dateSecond[1], dateSecond[0]); // current date if (dateOne >= dateTwo) { document.getElementById(\”rdate\”).innerHTML = \”Hurry Up!!!! you can apply by : \” + dateFirst[0] + \” – \” + dateFirst[1] + \” – \” + dateFirst[2]; } if (dateOne < dateTwo) { document.getElementById("rdate").innerHTML = " Sorry!!!, The Last Date has gone, you are Late.\”; } } checkd();

Address Not provided – Only Email CV to the address given above
Categories Hydropower Jobs, Civil Engineers Experienced, Pakistan Jobs,
Sub Categories Civil Engineer jobs in Hydropower,

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