Civil Engineering Objective Type Questions by S. S. Bhavikatti

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: June 14, 2017 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 798

Civil engineering is a vast subject. After graduation a civil engineer must remember important point on every aspect of civil engineering Objective Type Questions Book PDF. With this objective, competitive examinations are conducted to select candidates for admission to postgraduate courses, UPSE, BHEL, ONGC, NTPC organizations.

Civil Engineering Objective Type Questions by S. S. Bhavikatti

As it is difficult to go through all books on various subjects, this book has been prepared to enable the candidate to glance through all the subjects and  prepare themselves for the competitive examinations. Each aspect with important formulae, equations, definitions, principles, etc., it is first presented briefly and then an exhaustive set of objective type question with keys at the end are presented. The author hopes all Undergraduate students, students prepare for competitive examinations and practicing engineering will find this book useful.

Content of the Book Civil Engineering Objective Type Questions PDF

1. Materials of Construction

1.1 Stones
1.2 Characteristics of Good Building Stones
1.3 Timber
1.4 Bricks
1.5 Clay Products
1.6 Ferrous Metals
1.7 Non-Ferrous Metals
1.8 Alloys
1.9 Cement
1.10 Mortar
1.11 Cement Concrete
1.12 Concreting
1.13 Lime
1.14 Pozzolanas
1.15 Paints, Varnishes and Distempers
1.16 Miscellaneous Materials

2. Building Construction

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Foundations
2.3 Roofs

3. Surveying

3.1 Surveying
3.2 Errors in Surveying
3.3 Levelling
3.4 Permanent Adjustments of Dumpy level and Theodolite
3.5 Circular Curves
3.6 Precise Levelling

4. Engineering Mechanics

4.1 Resultant and Equilibrium of System of Coplanar Concurrent Forces
4.2 Beams
4.3 Friction
4.4 Centre of Gravity and Mass Moment of Inertia
4.5 Work Energy Method
4.6 Rotation of Rigid Bodies

5. Strength of Materials

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Simple Stresses and Strains
5.3 Compound Stresses and Strains
5.4 Theories of Failure
5.5 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
5.6 Stresses in Beams
5.7 Torsion
5.8 Thin and Thick Cylinders and Spheres
5.9 Columns and Struts

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6. Structural Analysis

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Influence Lines
6.3 Cables and Suspension Bridges
6.4 Slope Deflection Method
6.5 Moment Distribution Method
6.6 Column Analogy Method
6.7 Influence Line Diagrams for Statically Indeterminate Beams
6.8 Analysis of Multistorey Buildings by Approximate Methods
6.9 Two Hinged Arches
6.10 Matrix Method of Structure Analysis
6.11 Plastic Analysis

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7. R.C.C. Design (As Per IS : 456-2000)

7.1 Methods of R.C.C. Design
7.2 Strength of Doubly Reinforced Sections
7.3 Limit State of Serviceability
7.4 Requirements of Reinforcements
7.5 Design of Circular and Odd Shaped Slabs
7.6 Yield Line Analysis of Slabs

8. Steel Structures (As Per IS 800-2007)

8.1 Advantages and Disadvantages
8.2 Principle of Limit State Design
8.3 Bolted Connections
8.4 Welded Connections
8.5 Design of Tension Member
8.6 Design of Compression Members
8.7 Column Splice
8.8 Design of Beams

9. Fluid Mechanics

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Kinematics of Fluid Motion
9.3 Dynamics of Fluids
9.4 Laws of Mechanics
9.5 Turbulent Flow in Pipes

10. Hydraulic Machines

10.1 Turbine
10.2 Types of Hydraulic Turbines
10.3 Pumps

11. Irrigation Engineering

11.1 Quality of Irrigation Water
11.2 Canal Irrigation System
11.3 Sedimentation Transport and Design of Channels
11.4 Cross Section of Canal
11.5 Waterlogging and Salinity of Soil
11.6 Diversion Head Works
11.7 Hydraulic Jump
11.8 Theories of Seepage
11.9 Canal Falls
11.10 Miscellaneous Canal Structures
11.11 Tank Irrigation

12. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Properties of Soils
12.3 Permeability of Soil
12.4 Seepage
12.5 Compressibility and Consolidation
12.6 Shear Strength
12.7 Earth Pressure and Retaining Structure
12.8 Foundations
12.9 Soil Stabilization
12.10 Types of Foundations
13. Environmental Engineering
13.1 Sources of Water
13.2 Sanitary Engineering
14. Highway Engineering
14.1 Role of Transportation
14.2 Highway Construction
14.3 Traffic Engineering

15. Railway Engineering

15.1 Introduction
15.2 Sleepers
15.3 Ballast
15.4 Geometric Design
15.5 Curves

16.1 Tunnel Drainage

17. Docks and Harbour Engineering
17.1 Types of Harbours
17.2 Features of a Harbour

18. Bridge Engineering

18.1 History of Bridges
18.2 Selection of Bridge Site

19. Airport Engineering

19.1 Introduction
19.2 Terminal Area

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