Civil Engineers Assistant Director Civil Jobs In Lahore Development Authority LDA
Applications are invited from the suitable candidates domiciled in Punjab having qualifications / experience in the relevant field as mentioned below against the post on Contract Basis

Name of Post: Assistant Director (Engg) / SDO
No. of Posts: 16 Nos.
Minimum Qualification: BSc. (Engg) Civil Engineering / Mechanical, Electrical from HEC recognized University Registered as Professional Engineer with PEC.
Upper Age Limit : 25 years
Name of Posts: Assistant Director (P&D) / Private Housing Scheme
No. of Posts: 01
Minimum Qualfication: B.Sc. Engg / B.E. (Civil / Environmental) from HEC Recognized University
Max. age Limit : 25 years
Application form can be downloaded from nts.org.pk
Candidates must submit the application forms duly filled in along with test fee of Rs. 600 /- in favour of National Testing Service (on Prescribed bank challan in any branch of UBL, MCB, HBL, or ABL) attached with application form, copy of CNIC and two recent photographs, directly to NTS through courier by 17.04.2017.
This Civil Engineering Job is a very good job for fresh civil engineers who has just passed out and does not have any experience, just get prepared for your NTS test and you can have a chance to be appointed in a very high paying department of Punjab Government.