DAE Sub Engineer Civil Required In Punjab Government Job

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: January 4, 2017 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 876

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Sub Engineer (CIVIL) DAE jobs in Primary & Secondary Healthcare department (GOP), Pakistan

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Government of Punjab intends to engage individual consultants of revamping project of DHQs and THQs Hospitals in Punjab.

  Industry Contract Jobs in Government Department
Functional Area Individual Consultancy Services of DAE (Civil) Sub Engineer required for duration of 3 months
Total Positions 03
Company Name Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Job Type 3 Months Contract
Job Location Any where in Punjab
Gender Not specified
Age(Max) Not Specified
Education DAE (Civil) Diploma
Career Level Consultancy Services
Experience 3 years of experience
The interested individual consultants having expertise in above mentioned fields may approach the office of the section officer (General) Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department along with CNIC, CV and original documents for walk – in – interview before consultant section committee between 8 am to 2 pm on weekdays after the publications of this advertisement.
Newspaper Jang
Contact Number +92-42-99205826
Apply @ :
Apply Now
Email not spcificed
Last Date to Apply

function checkd(){ var d = new Date(); var DDate = d.getDate(); var DMonth = d.getMonth(); var DYear = d.getFullYear(); var LDate = \’10-01-2017\’; var TDate = DDate + \”-\” + DMonth + \”-\” + DYear; dateFirst = LDate.split(\’-\’); dateSecond = TDate.split(\’-\’); tempd = dateFirst[1]-1; var dateOne = new Date(dateFirst[2], tempd, dateFirst[0]); //Year, Month, Date //last date var dateTwo = new Date(dateSecond[2], dateSecond[1], dateSecond[0]); // current date if (dateOne >= dateTwo) { document.getElementById(\”rdate\”).innerHTML = \”Hurry Up!!!! you can apply by : \” + dateFirst[0] + \” – \” + dateFirst[1] + \” – \” + dateFirst[2]; } if (dateOne < dateTwo) { document.getElementById("rdate").innerHTML = " Sorry!!!, The Last Date has gone, you are Late.\”; } } checkd();

Address Additional Secretary (Admin) Government of Punjab, Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department 1- Birdwood Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Categories DAE Jobs, DAE Jobs in Government, Punjab Jobs, Pakistan Jobs, ,
Sub Categories Diploma Engineer Jobs, Civil Diploma Jobs, DAE Jobs, ,

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