Download Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design by Krishna Raju [pdf]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: March 31, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 2 min | 👁Post Views: 976
The extensive use of reinforced concrete for a variety of structural members has necessitated a proper understanding of the design in structural concrete members by the structural engineers. The wide spread use of reinforced concrete is the natural outcome of the rapid development in the theory and design procedures with the introduction of the philosophy of limit state design.

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design by Krishna Raju

The book presents the design of variety of reinforced concrete structures like continuous beams, portal frames, silos, bunkers, chimneys, shells overhead water tanks, virendeel griders, trusses, deep beams, box culverts, folded plates, hyperbolic cooling towers, curved girders, poles, pipes and bridge deck systems. The design of these advanced reinforced concrete structures conform to the revised Indian standard code

This book is extensively illustrated with working drawings showing the reinforcement details. The example for practice provided at the end of each chapter is intended to help the students preparing for university examinations.

Title of the Book

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Author of the book

Krishna Raju

Contents of the Book

1. Continuous Beams
2. Bunkers and Silos
3. Chimneys
4. Curved Beams
5. Towers
6. Elevated Water Tanks
7. Box-Culverts
8. Portal Frames
9. Multistory Building Frames
10. Shells
11. Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells
12. Hyperbolic Cooling Towers
13. Folded Plates
14. Grid or Coffered Floors
15. Virendeel Griders
16. Trusses
17. Poles
18. Depp Beams
19. Pipes
20. Bridge Deck System

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