Download Book on Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering by Dr. K. R. Arora [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | ๐Ÿ—“๏ธModified: February 23, 2016 | โณRead Time: 3 min | ๐Ÿ‘Post Views: 1864
Soil mechanics and foundation engineering (geotechnical engineering) is a fast developing discipline of civil engineering. Considerable work has been done in the field in the last 6 decades. A student finds it difficult to have access to the latest literature in the field. The author has tried to collect the material from various sources and to present in the form of a text.
The text has been divided into two parts. The first part deals with the fundamentals of soil mechanics. The second part deals with earth retaining structures and foundation engineering. The subject matter has been presented in a logical and organized manner such that it may be taken up serially without any loss of continuity. The book covers the syllabi of undergraduate courses in soil mechanics and foundation engineering prescribed by most of Indian Universities and Institutes. 
An attempt has been made to explain the fundamentals in a simple, lucid language. Basic concepts have been emphasized throughout. The author who has about 25 years of teaching experience, has paid special attention to the difficulties experienced by students. A large number of illustrative examples have been given to show the application of the theory to field problems. Numerical problems, with answers, have been given for practice. Some objective type question have been given at the end of the each chapter. 
The text is profusely illustrated with diagrams and charts. Latest IS codes have been followed, as far as possible. References are given at the end of each chapter. As complete switch over to SI units has not been taken place in India both MKS and SI units have been used. 
The book will be useful for the undergraduate students. The students appearing for various competitive examinations and AMIE will also find the text useful. A large number of charts and tables have been included to make the text useful for practicing engineers. 

Name of the Book

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 

Author of the Book

Dr. K. R. Arora

Contents of Book

1. Introduction
2. Basic Definition and Simple Tests
3. Particle Size Analysis
4. Plasticity Characteristics of Soils
5. Soil Classification
6. Clay Mineralogy and Soil structure
7. Capillary Water
8. Permeability of Soil
9. Seepage Analysis
10. Effective Stress Principles
11. Stresses due to applied load
12. Consolidation of soils
13. Shear strength
14. Compaction of Soil
15. Stabilization of Soil
16. Drainage, De-watering of Wells
17. Site Investigation
18. Stability of Slopes
19. Earth Pressure theories
20. Design of Retaining Walls and Bulkheads
21. Braced cuts and coffer dams
22. Shafts, Tunnels and underground conduits
23. Bearing Capacity of shallow foundations
24. Design of Shallow Foundations
25. Pile foundations
26. Drilled piers and Caissons
27. Well foundations
28. Machine Foundations
29. Pavement Design
30. Laboratory Experiments

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