Download Design of Concrete Structures by Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin, Charles W. Dolan 13th Edition

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: January 23, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 1004

In this post I will be sharing with you a very famous and useful book titled with “Design of Concrete Structures”. This book is mostly used as a text book in many institutions for the subjected of Reinforced Cement Concrete. The book is written in simple English, easy to understand and it contains 20 comprehensive subjects that have then further divisions;

Design of Concrete Structures by Arthur H. Nilson

At the end there are appendix containing Design Aids, formulas some charts for calculation help. The “Design of Concrete Structures by Nilson” follows the updated provisions of 2002 American Concrete Institute (ACI) Building Code.

This text book will be taught in a one semester or two semester course about reinforced cement concrete as already told; the division of chapters is as follows;

  • Chapter 1 and 2 is about introduction and treatment of materials
  • Chapter 3, 4 and 5 is about material on flexure, shear and anchorage
  • Chapter 6 is on serviceability
  • Chapter 7 is about torsion
  • Chapter 8 on short columns
  • Chapter 9 is about slender columns,
  • Chapter 10 the strut and tie method
  • Chapter 11 is about Design and Detailing of Joints
  • Chapter 14; Yield line analysis
  • Chapter 15 about strip method of design
  • Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 about foundation and retaining walls
  • Chapter 20 about introduction to seismic design
  • Chapter 19 is about prestressed concrete design

Concrete structures are the most widely used structures throughout the world sharing a burden by Steel structures and wood structures for specific cases; each of the construction material has its pros and cons, and thus need to be justified which selection is made; like availability of material, architectural requirements, client’s requirement etc.

Concrete being good in compression and weak in tension needs steel reinforcement to overcome the weakness in tensions and thus the reinforced concrete structures are used to satisfy all the requirements of a structure i.e. to carry a load safely in the subjected environment throughout the design life considering the structural and serviceability requirements.

Book Title

Design of Concrete Structures By Nilson, Darwin, Dolan


13th Edition


Arthur H. Nilson,
David Darwin
Charles W. Dolan


The McGraw-Hill Companies


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