Download Design of Masonry Structures PDF by A.W. Hendry, B.P. Sinha and S.R. Davies

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: November 13, 2017 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 977
The structural use of Brick Masonry has to some extent been hampered by its long history as a craft based material and some years ago its disappearance as a structural material was being predicted. The fact that this has not happened is a result of the inherent advantages of brickwork and the design of brick masonry structures has shown steady development, based on the results of continuing research in many countries.

Download Design of Masonry Structures PDF by A.W. Hendry, B.P. Sinha and S.R. Davies
Download Design of Masonry Structures PDF by A.W. Hendry, B.P. Sinha and S.R. Davies

Nevertheless, structural brickwork is not used as widely as it could be and one reason for this lies in the fact that design in this medium is not taught in many engineering schools alongside steel and concrete. To help to improve this situation, the authors have written this book especially for students in university and polytechnic courses in structural engineering and for young graduates preparing for professional examination in structural design.

The text attempts to explain the basic principles of brickwork design, the essential properties of the materials used, the design of various structural elements and the procedure in carrying out the design of a complete building. In practice, the basic data and methodology for structural design in a given material is contained in a code of practice and in illustrating design procedures it is necessary to relate these to a particular document of this kind.

In the present case the standard referred to, and discussed in some detail, is the British BS 5628 Part 1, which was first published in 1978. This code is based on limit state principles which have been familiar to many designers through their application to reinforced concrete design but which are summarized in the text.

Title of the Book

Design of Masonry Structures

Authors of the Book

A.W. Hendry, B.P. Sinha and S.R. Davies

Contents of the Book

1. Load Bearing Masonry Buildings
2. Bricks, blocks and mortars
3. Masonry Properties
4. Codes of Practice for structural masonry
5. Design for Compressive loading
6. Design for wind loading
7. Lateral load analysis of masonry panels
8. Composite action between walls and other elements
9. Design for accidental damage
10. Reinforced Masonry
11. Prestressed Masonry
12. Design calculations for a seven-storey dormitory building according to BS 5628
13. Movements in masonry buildings
14. References.

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If you have downloaded the book and want further study relevant to brick masonry than you can follow the following links relevant to brick masonry.
What is Brick Masonry?
Comparison Between Stone Masonry And Brick Masonry
Different Types of Bonds used in Brick Masonry

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