Download Examples in Structural Analysis by William M.C. McKenzie [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: December 3, 2015 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 676
Prior to the development of quantitative structural theories in the mid-18th century and since, builders relied on an intuitive and highly developed sense of structural behavior. The advent of modern mathematical modeling and numerical methods has to a large extent replace this skill with a reliance on computer generated solutions to structural problems.

Professor Hardy Cross aptly expressed his concern regarding this in the following quote 

There is sometimes cause to fear that the scientific technique, the proud servant of the engineering arts, is trying to swallow its master. 

What is structural Analysis?

It is inevitable and unavoidable that designers will utilize continually improving computer software for analyses. However, it is essential that the use of such softwares should only be undertaken by those with the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the mathematical modeling, assumptions and limitations inherent in the programs they use.

Students adopt a variety of strategies to develop their knowledge and understanding of structural behavior e.g. the use of :- 
a) Computer to carry out sensitivity analyses
b) Physical models to demonstrate physical effects such as buckling, bending, the development of tension and compression and deformation characteristics. 
c) The study of worked examples and carrying out analysis using “hand” methods. 

This textbook focuses on the provision of numerous fully detailed and comprehensive worked examples for a wide variety of structural problems. In each chapter a resume of the concepts and principles involved in the method being considered is given and illustrated by several examples. A selection of problems is presented which students should undertake on their own prior to studying the given solutions.

Students are strongly encouraged to attempt to visualize/sketch the defected shape of a loaded structure and predict the type of forces in the member prior to carrying out the analysis.

Title of the Book

Examples in structural analysis

Author of the Book

William M.C. McKenzie

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Contents of the Book

1. Structural analysis and design
2. Material and section properties
3. Pin-Jointed frames
4. Beams
5. Rigid Jointed Frames
6. Buckling Instability
7. Direct Stiffness Method
8. Plastic Analysis

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