Download Free Civil PE Sample Examination Book [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: July 22, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 1185
The Civil PE Sample Examination Provides the opportunity to practice taking an eight-hour test similar in content and format to the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) examination in civil engineering. The Civil PE examination is an eight hour exam divided into a morning session and an afternoon session. The Morning session is known as the “breadth” exam, and the afternoon session is known as the “depth” exam. This book contains a sample breadth module and five sample depth modules one for each sub discipline the NCEES tests.
In the four-hour morning session, the examinee is asked to solve 40 problems from five major civil engineering sub-disciplines: Environmental (20%) geotechnical (20%) structural (20%) transporation (20%) and Water resources (20%) . Morning session problems are general in nature and wide-ranging in scope.
The four-hour afternoon session allows the examinee to select a depth exam module from one of the five sub disciplines (environmental, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and water resources). Each depth module is made up of 40 problems. Afternoon session problems require more specialized knowledge than those in the morning session.
All problems, from both the morning and afternoon sessions, are multiple choice. They include a problem statement with all required defining information, followed by four logical choices. Only one of the four options is correct. The problems are completely independent of each other, so an incorrect choice on one problem will not carry over to subsequent problems.
This book is written in the multiple-choice exam format instituted by the NCEES. It covers all the same topic areas that appear on the exam, as provided by NCEES.


Michael R. Lindeburg, PE


Water Resources


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