Download Handbook of Material Testing Book by Shiv Kumar [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: December 30, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 2 min | 👁Post Views: 2740
In any construction project it is obligation of a contractor to establish a well equipped material testing laboratory. Quality Control Manager or Quality Control Inspector has a team along with Material Engineer from consultant end and one material engineer from the contractor\’s end. Both of these persons try to optimize the quality standards and thus safety and quality as well.

Handbook of Material testing

Every material that is being used right from aggregates to steel structures, plastic pipes, reinforced steel, bricks, concrete etc has to be tested to verify the standard and quality of that material. This particular field of project has zero tolerance what so ever from the quality point of view.

This book contains standards and specifications of all those tests and is a must to have book for civil engineers.

Title of the Book

Handbook of Material Testing

Author of the book

Shiv Kumar

Contents of the Book

1.  Tests on Cement
2. Tests on Aggregates
3.  Tests on Fresh Concrete
4. Tests on Hardened Concrete
5. Tests on soil
6. Tests on Blanket Material
7. Tests on Bitumen

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