Download Properties of Concrete by A.M. Neville – Civil Engineering Books

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: August 14, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 863
Concrete technology and concrete construction acts as mostly used construction and building material throughout the world. The easy and cheap availability of constituents is one of the reason why mostly people prefer concrete. Concrete construction has numerous advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other construction materials like steel, timber, stone etc. 


Concrete can be defined as;

A homogenous paste of cement sand (fine aggregate) and aggregate mixed with suitable quantity of water to have required strength and required workability is known as plain cement concrete. 

Types of Concrete 

Concrete can be divided in two major categories Reinforced cement concrete in which reinforcement is used to fulfill the tensile strength required for a structural member and plain cement concrete in which no reinforcing is employed and compression strength of the concrete is utilized. 

Advantages of Concrete

Concrete has various advantages which are utilized like; it can be casted in almost any shape and thus structures like arches and domes can be developed, it is heat resistant and thus has a major advantage for its usage over steel structure which melts down and fails. Because of easy availability of material it is cheaper and various other. 
Concrete has various properties which have to be examined for its successful working and efficient operation. 

Properties of Concrete by A.M. Nevile

In this post I am going to share with you a very well known and renowned book titled “Properties of Concrete” by “A.M.Nevile” it is text book in various civil engineering institutions taught in the subject of “Properties of Concrete”.
Properties of Concrete by A.M. Neville

Title of Book

Properties of Concrete 


A.M. Neville


5th Edition

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1 Portland cement
2 Cementitious materials of different types
3 Properties of aggregate
4 Fresh concrete
5 Admixtures
6 Strength of concrete
7 Further aspects of hardened concrete
8 Temperature effects in concrete
9 Elasticity, shrinkage, and creep
10 Durability of concrete
11 Effects of freezing and thawing and of
12 Testing of hardened concrete
13 Concretes with particular properties
14 Selection of concrete mix proportions (mix design)
Appendix I: Relevant ASTM Standards
Appendix II: Relevant British and


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