Download Sap2000 v18.2.0 (x86/x64)

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: August 31, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 5 min | 👁Post Views: 10187
SAP is an acronym of Structural Analysis Program, the complete name of the software is SAP2000. SAP2000 is a general purpose finite element program which performs the static or dynamic, linear or nonlinear analysis of structural system.

What is SAP2000?

SAP2000 is among the top structural engineering softwares used by civil engineers for the analysis and design of structural systems, ranging from basic to advance, 2d to 3d, simple to complex geometry. 

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History of Download SAP2000

SAP was the first finite element program (to know more about finite element go here) that was written by Prof Ed Wilson at University of California Berkeley and was first conceptualized by Prof Ray Clough in the 1960’s. SAP used the stiffness matrix for the analysis and beginning elements were brick, plate, and shell.

\”Ashraf Habibullah is a structural engineer and software developer best known as the founder, President, and CEO of Computers and Structures, Inc.,\”

Simple and Streamline object based modeling environment helps you in modeling, analyzing and designing the structure with optimum results as far as economic and serviceability restrictions are concerned.

With Download SAP2000 you can develop a computational building model with different kinds of materials, cross-sectional dimensions of various structural members like columns, beams, trusses etc and then place different sorts of loads point loads, uniform load, gradually varying loads etc on the building model that are needed and at last you test that model to ensure its survival, SAP2000 gives you accurate and precise ready to use reports and output presentable results.

Download SAP2000 is fully equipped with US, Canadian and International Design standards and codes like ACI concrete code, AISC building codes and AASHTO specifications.

These integrated design code features can easily generate wind, wave bridge and seismic loads with comprehensive automatic steel and concrete design checks.

Comparison of ETABS, SAFE and Download SAP2000

Once your model is fully analyzed and designed sharing it with architects and other team members is very easy through a Building Information Modeling (BIM) modules and API. Structural engineering’s famous companies in collaboration with CSI has interlinked SAP2000 with REVIT, TEKLA, BuildingSmart etc.
SAP2000 excels in designing following structures than other CSI softwares like ETABS,  Safe and

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Features of CSI SAP2000

Among the various other eye catching features that must be known is self determining the center of gravity of the structure that SAP2000 can easily determine the CG and show its report for the structure along with the
assigned load by users.

\”Computers and Structures, Inc. is a structural engineering software company founded in 1975 and based in Berkeley, California.\”

With the help of integrated Section Designer SAP2000 allows you define composite and build-up sections along with its properties like section modulus, moment of intertia, center of gravity, location of neutral axis etc.

When designing the software for impact loads of machines or non-harmonic motions of them, SAP2000 allows you to perform periodic time-history analysis for non-harmonic loading.
Other similar features include, P-Delta analysis, wave loading, Buckling analysis, OffShore related features.

The analysis procedure in SAP2000 can be divided into three steps
1. Processing
2. Solving
3. PostProcessing

In SAP2000 the built-in modeling templates, a versatile and user-friendly interface, intuitive controls and features all combine to simplify and expedite a sophisticated object based modeling.

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jQuery.ajax( { url: \’\’, type: \’POST\’, dataType: \’jsonp\’, success: function(location) { // If the visitor is browsing from Canada. if (location.country_code === \’PK\’) { // Redirect him to the Canadian store. document.getElementById(\’result\’).innerHTML=\”Download this Software\”; }else{ document.getElementById(\’result\’).innerHTML=\”Download this Software\”; } } } );

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  • Download SAP2000 for free
  • Download SAP2000
  • Download CSI SAP2000 free cracked
  • Download CSI SAP2000 life time license 


The Software name and its title and all the things in it are the trademark of respective owner/author, we here on iamcivilengineer doesn’t host the book neither uploaded it we are just sharing here the links to download; and are just for sharing it for student and education purpose; if you have any problem about this link or Software you can contact us via contact us page or email at [email protected]

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48 thoughts on “Download Sap2000 v18.2.0 (x86/x64)”

  1. Hello,I tried installing the SAP2000. It is all fine until I have to open the echoid.exe file to get the codes. The 'echoid.exe' file is not in the folder, or listed anywhere. If you can please add that back into the file, I would much appreciate it.Thank you

  2. Hello,I tried installing the SAP2000. It is all fine until I have to open the echoid.exe file to get the codes. The 'echoid.exe' file is not in the folder, or listed anywhere. If you can please add that back into the file, I would much appreciate it.Thank you

  3. Engr Saad!!I have to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this post, i just finished the sap2000 download and it's installation. Am really enjoying the software…Thanks a lot!!!

  4. Engr Saad!!I have to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this post, i just finished the sap2000 download and it's installation. Am really enjoying the software…Thanks a lot!!!


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