This book on “Method of Measurement” lays down the method and criteria for the measurement of civil engineering works undertaken for the Hong Kong Government.
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The Bills of Quantities are intended in the first instance to give information upon which tenders can be obtained. When a contract has been entered into, the function of priced BOQ is to provide for the valuation of the work executed.
The sub-headings and item descriptions used in the BOQs indentify the work covered by the respective items, but the exact nature and extend of the work to be performed is to be ascertained by reference to the drawings, specification and conditions of the contract, as the case may be, in conjunction with the matters listed against the relevant marginal headings “Item Coverage” in Part V.
The rates to be inserted in the BOQ shall be deemed to be the full inclusive value for the work covered by the respective items and is covering all labour, materials, temporary work, plant, overhead charges and proft, as well as the general liabilities, obligations and risks arising out of the contract.
Title of the Book
Standard Method of Measurement for Civil Engineering Works PDF
- Part I – Definition
- Part II – General Principles
- Part III Rules for Preparing Bills of Quantities
- Part IV – Preambles to the bills of quantities
- Part V – Units and Method of Measurement
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