Download Structural Concrete Theory and Design book by M. Nadeim Hassoun & Akthem Al-Manaseer

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: August 23, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 840
The design of different structures is achieved by performing, in general, two main steps:
(1) Determining the different forces acting on the structure using proper methods of structural analysis. 
(2) proportioning all structural members economically, considering the safety, stability, serviceability, and functionality of the structure. 
Structural concrete is one of the materials commonly used to design all types of buildings. Its two component materials, concrete and steel, work together to form structural members that can resist many types of loadings. The key to its performance lies in strengths that are complementary; Concrete resists compression and steel reinforcement resists tension forces. 
The term structural concrete indicates all types of concrete and in structural applications. Structural concrete may be plain, prestressed, or partially prestressed concrete; in addition, concrete is used in composite design. Composite design is used for any structural member, such as beams or columns, when the member contains a combination of concrete and steel shapes. 
In this post I am going to share with you a very useful book for design engineers it will act like a handbook for structural engineers to design any structure including beams, one-way and two-way slabs, columns, stair cases etc. 

Download Structural Concrete Theory and Design 

Title of the Book

Structural Concrete
Theory and Design


fourth Edition


M. Nadeim Hassoun
Akthem Al-Manaseer

Contents of the Book

1 Introduction
2 Properties of Reinforced Concrete
3 Flexural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams
4 Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams
5 Alternative Design Methods
6 Deflection and Control of Cracking
7 Development Length of Reinforcing Bars
8 Shear and Diagonal Tension
9 One-Way Slabs
10 Axially Loaded Columns
11 Members in Compression and Bending
12 Slender Columns
13 Footings
14 Retaining Walls
15 Design for Torsion
16 Continuous Beams and Frames
17 Design of Two-way Slabs
18 Stairs
19 Introduction to Prestressed Concrete
20 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
21 Beams Curved in Plan
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

Download Structural Concrete Theory & Design  by M. Nadeim Hassoun & Akthem Al-Manaseer

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Keywords for this Book

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