Download Structural Design Guide to ACI Code Fourth Edition [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: April 19, 2015 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 549
This book is  intended to  guide practicing structural engineers familiar with ear-lier ACI building codes  into more profitable routine designs with the ACI  1995 Building Code (ACI 318-95). Each  new  ACI  Building  Code  expresses  the  latest  knowledge  of reinforced concrete in  legal  language  for  safe design  application.  Beginning in  1956 with the  introduction  of ultimate  strength  design,  each  new  code  offered  better  utilization of high-strength reinforcement and the compressive strength of the concrete  itself.

Each  new  code  thus  permitted  more  economy  as  to  construction material, but achieved it through more detailed and complicated design calculations.  In  addition  to  competition  requiring  independent  structural  engineers  to follow  the  latest code  for  economy,  it  created  a professional  obligation  to  fol-low the  latest code  for  accepted levels  of structural safety.

\”This book will guide the user to the various sections of the Code pertinent to design of common reinforced concrete structural elements\”
The increasing complexity of codes has encouraged the use of computers for design  and has  stimulated  the  development  of computer-based  handbooks. Before  computer  software  can  be  successfully  used  in  the  structural  design  of buildings,  preliminary  sizes  of structural  elements  must  be  established  from handbook tables,  estimates,  or experienced first  guesses  for  input into the  com-puter. This book will guide the user to the  various sections of the Code pertinent to design  of common reinforced  concrete structural elements.  A  brief explanation of the significance of these sections is presented,  together with limits  of applic-ability,  the  range  in  which  results  may  control  design;  and,  where  possible, design short cuts to ensure automatic conformance to the Code without calculations.

This  Guide  does  not  duplicate  nor  replace  the  ACI  Code,  its  Commentary, design handbooks, or use of computers. It complements the ACI Code and Com-mentary,  shows how to take full  advantage of available handbooks based on the Code, and should shorten time to develop computer design programs. It converts some  code formulas  from  the  review  form  (or trial  designs)  to  direct  design.

It presents some simple appropriate  formulas,  tabulations,  and charts for conserv-ative  longhand direct design. Specifications  for  materials  and  special  Code  requirements  superimposed upon  the  ASTM  Specifications  for  materials  are  explained  to  aid  the  structural engineer to  avoid difficulties  with  use of obsolete specifications.

Title of the Book

Structural Design Guide to ACI Code
Fourth Edition

Edward S. Hoffman
David P. Gutafson
Alber J. Gouwens

Contents of the Book

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1.       Structural Materials, Specifications and Testing
2.       Structural Analysis and Design – General
3.       One-way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
4.       One-way Joist Systems
5.       Two-way Solid Flat Plate Design
6.       Two-way Solid Flat Slab Design
7.       Two-way Waffle Flat Slab Design
8.       Two –way Slab-beam Design
9.       Beam and Girders
10.   Columns
11.   Walls
12.   Footings
13.   Splices and Details of Reinforcement
14.   Prestressed Concrete
15.   Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
16.   Structural Plain Concrete
17.   Field Inspection and Construction
18.   Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures.

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