Felling of Trees to get Timber

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 5, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 862
This short post is a series of post on Timber structures and Timber engineering. We know that the main source of timber is trees and forests are sources of trees. Firstly the trees are felled and than the log (fallen tree) is cut in several ways called sawing.  Here are some of tips for felling of tees.

Felling of Trees

By Felling of Trees we mean the process by which the standing timber is converted into rough timber i.e. the trees are fallen down by cutting from the bottom.
Only a fully grown tree should be felled so as to yield maximum timber having maximum strength. Early felling would result in less timber. Delayed felling would cause a damaged heart wood. A tree should always be felled when it is fully grown and is matured as well.
The lower we go more would be timber but we must cut it above the ground or roots at 1 foot above the ground. The tree must be felled in summer season when no sap is moving otherwise seasoning would be a problem.

Felling of Trees

Process of Felling

The process of felling is not difficult as long as it is done by following some technical rules and methods. Some of the important tips which would be helpful are as follows;
Make a deep cut at the lower possible point of the trunk. This cut must be on the side opposite to the one in which the tree is intended to fell. A cut slightly higher one is made on the opposite side of that cut. The tree from the top is then tied with ropes on all the four sides. The tree is then forced with ropes to move down towards the appropriate side.
It must be felled gently so that it can’t be broken down or damaged.

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