Fresh Civil Engineering Jobs in Pakistan Airforce 2015

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: November 22, 2015 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 1048
The Pakistan\’s most prestigious institue has now new oppertunities for Civil Engineers to have an outstanding life. PAF takes its pick of the finest young people in the land. It has now acquired new depths of human skills and initiative. Together, all branches of PAF are delivering unprecedented serviceability rates and efficient management of all resources. Poised on the threshold of tomorrow, PAF remains, as the Quaid said, \”Second to None\”; fully abreast with the requisite will and mechanism to live by its standards in the current millennium.

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Department of Job

Age: 21 to 30 Years on 17 April, 2016
Nationality: Male citizens of Pakistan
Marital Status: Married / UnMarried
Height: Male: 163 cm 
\”Fresh Civil Engineers Required in A&SD Branch SSC Pakistan Air Force 2015\”

Female: 147 cm

Educational Qualifications BE / BSc in Civil Engineering with minimum CGPA 2.5 out of 4 or minimum 62.5% marks with annual system from a Pakistani / Foreign University recognized by HEC and PEC. 
1.   A candidate with specific higher qualification, who is rejected once by ISSB for PMA / Graduate course or equivalent Naval / PAF courses and once rejected for specific higher qualification entry, will not be eligible for third chance.
2.  Candidates tested within four months (120 days) gap of previous appearance (for Not Recommended candidates).
3.   Candidates tested within one year validity period (as validity of ISSB / GHQ / AHQ selection board stands for one year).
4.   Candidates declared unfit by any Armed Forces hospital (CMB / CMH) except those declared medically fit by Appeal Medical Board (AMB). The candidates declared unfit by CMB / CMH are to remain ineligible until they are declared fit by Appeal Medical Board (AMB).
5.   Candidates permanently declared unfit by Appeal Medical Board.
6.   Candidates declared medically unfit due to Hepatitis B and C (AMB cannot be requested).
7.   Candidates dismissed / debarred / removed from Government services including Armed Forces.
8.   Candidates withdrawn from any bonded Armed Forces Colleges / Institutions on disciplinary grounds.
9.   Candidates withdrawn from any Academy / Training Institution of Armed Forces on any ground.
10.   Candidates convicted in a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
11.   Candidates who will temper his/her original academic certificates, conceal or give wrong information to gain undue advantage, his candidature will be cancelled and declared permanently ineligible for all types of commission in the Armed Forces.
12.   Thrice screened out by Army / Navy / Air Force during preliminary selection stands ineligible.

How to Apply

You can apply online by following the link:

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