Geometric Design of Rural Roads and Urban Streets [PPT/PPTX]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: June 13, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 887
This report presents guidance on the application of geometric design criteria to facilities functionally classified as local roads and streets.
The report is subdivided into sections on rural roads, urban streets.
A local road or street serves primarily to provide access to farms, residences, businesses, or other abutting properties.

Although local roads and streets may be planned, constructed, and operated with the predominant function of providing access to adjacent property, some local roads and streets serve a limited amount of through traffic.
Such roads properly include geometric design and traffic control features more typical of collectors
and arterials to encourage the safe movement of through traffic.
 On these roads, the through traffic is local in nature and extent rather than regional, intrastate, or interstate.
Local roads and streets constitute a high proportion of the roadway mileage in the country.
The traffic volume generated by the abutting land uses are largely short trips or a relatively small part of longer trips where the local road connects with major streets or highways of higher classifications.

 Because of the relatively low traffic volumes and the extensive mileage, design criteria for local roads and streets are of a comparatively low order.

However, to provide the requisite traffic mobility and safety—together with economy in construction, and operation—they must be planned, and designed to be suitable for predictable traffic operations and in consistent with the development and culture.

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Geometric Design of Rural Roads and Urban Streets

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