Highlway and Building Civil Engineers required in New Vision Engineers Consultants

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 27, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 684

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Highlway and Building Civil Engineers required in New Vision Engineers Consultants

1) Graduate engineer (Civil) — B.Sc. (Civil) Engineering (must be registered with PEC) Minimum 10 years experience in construction supervision of highway and buildings
2 — Material Engineer = B.Sc. (Civil) Engineering (must be registered with PEC) minimum 10 years experience in Material Analysis preparation of JMF etc. for Highways / Buildings
Associate Engineer (Civil) — D.A.E (Civil) Minimum 8 years experience in construction, supervision of highways / Buildings.

  Industry Civil Engineering Highway & Building
Functional Area Supervision of Construction of Building and Highways
Total Positions 03
Company Name NVEC – New Vision Engineering Consultants
Job Type Not Provided
Job Location Not Provided
Gender Not Specified
Age(Max) Not Specified
Education B.Sc (Civil Engineering), DAE (Civil)
Career Level Not Specified
Experience 8 to 10 years experience of Supervision of Highways and Buildings
Newspaper Jhang Newspaper dated 25-Sep-2016
Contact Number 0300-4386177
Apply @ :
Apply Now
Email [email protected]
Last Date to Apply

function checkd(){ var d = new Date(); var DDate = d.getDate(); var DMonth = d.getMonth(); var DYear = d.getFullYear(); var LDate = \’30-09-2016\’; var TDate = DDate + \”-\” + DMonth + \”-\” + DYear; dateFirst = LDate.split(\’-\’); dateSecond = TDate.split(\’-\’); tempd = dateFirst[1]-1; var dateOne = new Date(dateFirst[2], tempd, dateFirst[0]); //Year, Month, Date //last date var dateTwo = new Date(dateSecond[2], dateSecond[1], dateSecond[0]); // current date if (dateOne >= dateTwo) { document.getElementById(\”rdate\”).innerHTML = \”Hurry Up!!!! you can apply by : \” + dateFirst[0] + \” – \” + dateFirst[1] + \” – \” + dateFirst[2]; } if (dateOne < dateTwo) { document.getElementById("rdate").innerHTML = " Sorry!!!, The Last Date has gone, you are Late.\”; } } checkd();

Address Not shown
Categories Civil Engineering Jobs, Material Engineer Jobs, DAE Jobs, ,
Sub Categories Highway Jobs, Building Jobs, Construction Supervision Jobs, Consultant Jobs, ,

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