Working for your Final year Project is not a hectic and boring routine and you must not take this for-granted.
Take this as an exciting opportunity and try to develop interest by concentrating on the topics of your taste.
For Civil Engineers\’ we had created a secret list of awesome, innovative and interesting final year projects you can read here.
Now, let’s jump in and have a look at the steps you should adopt for your success in the FYP.
Our senior Editorial team mate has defined a simple 4 step process for success of any Final year project and this is CPDP.

So what is this CPDP?
That’s simple it means = Choose – Plan – Document – Present
The 60% success of your FYP depends on how good you perform in the first two steps. Choosing a very informative and market-driven research in your field without planning would ruin your entire struggle as well as the money of the sponsored individual.
So be wise !!!
Steps for your Civil Engineering Final year project Execution you must follow
1. Know the Requirements
Try to study the needs and demands of your area or locality before choosing the topic for your Final Year Project. Why??? Because you not only want to perform well in Final Year Project but also want to attract and catch the eyes of professionals in the construction industry of your area so you might have a chance to get your first employment even when you haven’t got the final transcript from your institute.
2. Prioritize your Area of Interest
I don’t know much about the options in other engineering disciplines but as far as civil engineering is concerned. We are working in many styles = like a design engineer work in a sophisticated tie-and-shirt sort of environment which is same for a planning engineer or a contract engineer but for a site engineer, foreman or persons involved in execution of work at site are living in a rough-and-tough sort of environment where they are unable to wear branded shirts etc. So be wise for your selection and once you made it you must have to own it.
Why would anyone like to go out at site and live rough-and-tough? I know you’re asking that but believe me or not I have met dozens of Construction experts which love challenges and want to work on front ends like a soldier. So If you are among the one who want the other thing around than you must select the topic that involves practical approach at site rather than doing calculation and generating results on your Laptop or PC.
3. Collaboration is the key to success
Most of the institutes at graduation level requires you to select two or three classmates as your group mates for Final Year Project which would be leading by a mentor or supervisor. So after that you have a team you should collaborate to? It is also an important factor because if you select individuals that are of mediocre nature in studies but are excellent in terms of ideas and good at communication skills you should not leave them because every human have some God gifted qualities which you could utilize for your favors.
So try to collaborate give feed back to your team mates and take their feedback and have a healthy discussion on weekly basis about the progress of your Projects.
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4. Document the Bible of your Final Year Project
Do you know why most of the brands out there have employed highly paid marketing professionals? Because that is the key for their success. They invest in what would bring back the dollars to their pockets.
Documentation at all stages of the project is very important task that might be laborious or boring at times but I personally know a lot of students getting bad grades in their Final Year Project just because of the bad communication skills and bad presentation of the thesis after the FYP evaluation board members.
So from above discussion let me give you a gust of what we know now; The most important part of the Final year project in project execution phase is project planning phase or what is called as project initiation phase so after knowing the requirements of the area, your field of interest, your career prospects you decide the topic for your final year project.
Than move towards project execution phase and collect what work has already done in your selected topic or niche, review all that data and try to figure out what new or innovative you can produce. After that again a very important step is project documentation.
So follow these steps and guidelines we guarantee that you would be going to rock the world with the ideas and themes of your project.