Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators by R. M. Khatsuria free Download [pdf]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 3, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 823
“He who Creates a potential danger is responsible for doing everything within human power to control it”
The function of a spillway can be best illustrated as emanating from above well-known legal argument. Impounding large quantity of water behind a dam creates the danger of a dam-break flood wave, which could have catastrophic consequences. The safe design of a dam to avoid such a danger includes a spillway, aptly described as the safety valve of the dam-reservoir system.

In this post I am going to share with you a very effective and useful post related to hydraulics and hydraulic engineering. yeah \”Hydraulics of spillways and energy Dissipators\” a very well renowned book by \”R. M. Khatsuria.\”

Title of the Book

Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators

Author of the book

R. M. Khatsuria


1.  Spillways: Functions and Classification
2. Spillway Design: An overview
3. Spillway Design floor: Estimation and Selection
4. Ogee or Overflow Spillways
5. Chute and Side Channel Spillways
6. Stepped Spillways
7. Siphon Spillways
8. Shaft Spillways
9. Labyrinth and Duckbill spillways
10. Tunnel and Culvert Spillways
11. Free Jet and Straight Drop Spillways
12. Fuse Plugs and Fuse Gate Spillways
13. Spillways for Flood and Sediment Disposal
14. Unlined Spillways
15. Inflatable Rubber Weirs
16. Overtopping, Protection of Dams used as Spillways
17. Spillway Crest Gates
18. Spillway Construction Stages
19. Energy Dissipators for Spillways
20. Hydraulic Jump Stilliing Basins
21. Trajectory Buckets
22. Solid and Slotted Roller Buckets
23. Energy Dissipators for Shaft and Tunnel Spillways
24. Impact – type energy Dissipators
25. Unconventional Designs
26. Cavitation in Spillways and Energy Dissipators
27. Air Entertainment and Forced Aeration
28. Hydraulic Modeling of Spillways and Energy Dissipators

Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators By R. M. Khatsuria

Preview of the Book

Here is the preview of the \”Hydraulics of spillways and energy Dissipators\” by R. M. Khatsuria.

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