IceHotel 365 – World’s First Permanent Ice Hotel Opens in Sweden

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: February 23, 2017 | ⏳Read Time: 2 min | 👁Post Views: 759
A permanent year-round ice hotel opened to the public in Swede. The resort, known as “Ice-Hotel-365”, hosts 55 rooms, including 20 suites, and is made up of 30,000 liters of frozen water from the Torne River. The hotel uses a solar-powered refrigerating plant used to keep the ice and snow that make up the hotel frozen.

IceHotel-365 a 3D Model
IceHotel-365 a 3D Model 

Guests at the hotel will have the opportunity to create their own ice sculpture, swim in the Torne River, sauna and observe an ice gallery from the over forty artists, designers and architects from nine different countries that will melt back into the river and eventually be replaced.

“They also have the opportunity to follow the artists who are finalizing sculpturing their suites, and meet builders, designers and creators – the people who during the past months have endeavored and created ICEHOTEL-365”, Icehotel CEO Yngve Bergqvist said.

Location of ICE Hotel – 365

IceHotel-365 is located 200 kilometers north of the Arctic circle in Jukkasjärvi, has been built to a fresh blueprint each year, using 5,000 tons of ice taken from the nearby River Torne in the spring and cold-stored over the summer.

Proposed Model of icehotel-365
Proposed Model of icehotel-365 via

Hang on !!! There\’s lot more in IceHotel-365

Sections of the hotel will continue to melt and be rebuilt as usual — meaning there will still be fresh new icy artworks for guests to enjoy each year.

More than 40 artists, designers and architects from nine different countries have worked on the hotel.

Sculptures made in IceHotel-365
Sculptures made in IceHotel-365
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