India to build world\’s highest railway bridge Chenab Bridge in Jammu Kashmir

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 16, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 1582

You might have travelled above 1000 feet in aero-plane but you must not have travelled at that much height with a Railcar, But Indian engineers are ready to lift such a bulky weighty weighing car of iron to a height 35 meters more than that of Eiffel Tower.
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\”The Project worth more than 90 million is being handled by the Railway Corporation. It includes more than 25 thousands tones of steel.\”

Background of the Project

Currently Guizhou Province of China is enjoying the world’s tallest railway bridge which stands over Beipanjiang River but despondently this record is about to break in 2016 as its height of 275 meters is by no means near to 359 meters which is the expected height of arch-shaped steel railway bridge.

Steel cranes in Operation (AFP Photo/Prakash Singh)
The northern areas of Jammu and Kashmir State hosts spectacular mountainous region and at such a height the railcar can’t cross the Chenab River, but thanks to Civil Engineering of newest era that gave the principles to rule the world.

Excavator being Operated (AFP Photo/Prakash Singh)

According to a local News agency this bridge is expected to be ready by December 2016. The steel structure has obviously a poor vibrating dampness  characteristics, for this reason safety and precautions have been made to avoid any devastating earthquake and wind speeds.

Project currently in development stages

The Project worth more than 90 million is being handled by the Railway Corporation. It includes more than 25 thousands tones of steel. Due to the difficult typography of the area few of the tones has to be transported by Helicopters.

Project Purpose

The Project named as Chenab Bridge spanning Chenab River between Bakki and Kauri, in Reasi Distric of Jammu and Kashmir. Due to questions on its safety and stability the project had been stopped in 2008 after which it is restarted in 2010 due to assurance and deep model study of the project.
Huge cranes (AFP Photo/Prakash Singh)
This highest railway bridge in World would make you scarier than riding the roller coaster that will bring everything eaten. 😀
So just wait and see

Video of the Project

Here is a AFP Official Video of the World\’s Tallest Railway Bridge

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