Reinforced Concrete Floor systems normally consist of slabs and beams that are placed monolithic-ally. As a result, the two parts act together to resist loads. In effect, the beams have extra width\’s on their tops, called flanges and the resulting T-shaped beams are called T-beams. The part of a T Beam below the slab is referred to as the web or stem. The beams may be L-Shaped if the stem is at the end of the slab.
In this particular post I will be sharing with you a very attractive and ready to use T-Beam Designer v1.1. It is a simple JavaScript code containing all the programming that is needed to design the T-beam, You only have to put the inputs as mentioned at the top and then just hit the calculate button, it will show each step-by-step calculation involved in the design of T-beam and then show you the results as well as the final cross-section diagram.
What is T-Beam Designer
It is a complete Designer of T-Beam flexural and shear design programmed on JavaScript. It will help you in designing of T-Beam. T-Beam Designer not only give you the results but also shows you the calculation step-by-step involved in the Design of T-Beam.
It is a simple one click program, you just have to enter or input some values and after clicking one button you will get your design as desired.
T-Beam location and plan Layout |
Steps for the Design of T-Beam
Step # 1 Calculating / Estimating Beam Dimensions
Step # 2 Calculating the factored load and factored moment
Step # 3 Calculating Effective Flange Width;
Step # 4 Calculating Moments
Step # 5 Assuming a Lever Arm
Step # 6 Trial Steel Area;
Step # 7 Calculating and checking the value of a and z ;
Step # 8 Checking Minimum Reinforcing ;
Step # 9 Checking values of ε t and Φ
Do You Know?
Lim, Paramasivam, and Lee (1987) discuss the problem of shear stress leading to failures of flanges detaching from webs when under load. This could prove catastrophic if allowed to occur in real life; hence, the very real need to mitigate that possibility with reinforcement for concrete T-beams.
How to Use T-Beam Designer V1.1
There are 11 total inputs that you have to give to T-Beam Designer v1.1, which are as under;
Typical Cross-section of T-Beam |
Live Load (L.L)
Live load is that which is provided over the slab supported by the concerned T-Beam in units of psf
Dead Load (D.L)
this dead load is in addition to the load of slab and beam concrete like any other furniter etc. in units of psf
the span of beam is to be given in feet
Transverse Panel Length,
it is the center-to-center span between two consecutive T-Beams in transverse direction (as shown in the figure)
Concrete Compressive Strength (fc\’):
it is 28 days cylindrical compressive strength in units of psi.
Steel yeild Strenth (fy):
it is the grade of the steel in unit of psi
Strength Reduction factor (phi)
it is used to convert the applied moment to nominal design moment.
Minimum Reinforcement Ratio (Rho min)
it is to be taken from any suitable table by comparing with fc\’ and fy
Type of concrete:
the dimension estimation of the T-beam is also dependent on the type of concrete whether light weight or normal weight.
Thickness of slab:
it acts as a thickness of flane in units of inches.
Clear Cover:
it is to be given in order to estimate d from h in units of inches.
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Keywords for T-Beam Designer v1.1
T-Beam Design, Complete T-Beam Design online, T-Beam Design pdf, T-Beam Design, ACI T-Beam Design, Online Calculator, Online Civil Engineering Calculator, Online Civil Engineering T-Beam Design, T-Beam Design online, Design T-Beam Online, Javascript Code to design T-beam, T-Beam Design using JavaScript
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