Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice by Shamsher Parkash & Hari D. Sharma [PDF]

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: June 29, 2017 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 1195
The book with the title Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice written by Shamsher Parkash from Missouri University and and Hari D. Sharma from California is a best text book for foundation engineers, Geotechnical Engineers and experts of Pile foundations and deep foundations.

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Download Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice Shamsher Parkash & Hari D. Sharma [PDF]

Pile foundations have been used since prehistoric time to transfer building loads to appropriate depths. In an effort to develop reasonable design methods, analytical and experimental studies on piles and pile groups have been performed extensively in the past four decades. Analytical studies have been directed toward prediction of bearing capacity under vertical loads, pile deflections under lateral loads, response of piles under dynamic loads, pile foundations under lateral loads, response of piles under dynamic loads and the behavior of piles in permafrost. Numerical methods including finite difference and finite element techniques have also been applied. Also, a large amount of model and full-scale test data have been collected.

All the foregoing information has led to the development of design procedures of piles in different soil types, loading conditions and environments. The purpose of this text is to present a concise, systematic, and complete treatment of the subject leading to rational design procedures for the practicing civil, geotechnical, and structural engineers. The book will be of equal benefit to graduate students specializing in foundation engineering.

Title of the Book

Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice

Author of the Book

Shamsher Parkash
Hari D. Sharma

Content of the Book

1. Introduction
2. Types of Piles and Pile Materials
3. Piling Equipment and Installation
4. Soil Parameters for Pile Analysis and Design
5. Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations for Vertical Static Loads
6. Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations under Lateral Loads
7. Pile Foundations under dynamic Loads
8. Analysis and Design of Pile Foundation in Permafrost Environments
9. Pile Load Tests
10. Buckling Loads of Slender Piles
11. Case Histories

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