Planning, Site Engineer, Project & Construction Manager Required in Amanat Hussain & Co. Rawalpindi

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 27, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 689

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Planning, Site Engineer, Project & Construction Manager Required in Amanat Hussain & Co. Rawalpindi

Applications are invited in Amanat Hussain & Co (Pvt) Limited, Rawalpindi, Only qualified candidates are required to submit their CV along with recent photograph on the address.

  Industry Contractor Jobs
Functional Area Planning engineer will do planning and scheduling of multi storied projects, infrastructures and utilities using primavera software, Project manager will construct rcc multistoried buildings and external service and infrastructure
Total Positions 05
Company Name M/S Amanat Hussain & Co. (Pvt) Limited
Job Type N.A
Job Location Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Gender Both Male and Female
Age(Max) N.A
Education BSC. Civil Engineering and registered with PEC an d DAE for Qty Surveyor
Career Level Contractor Job
Experience 10 years for Planning engineer, 20 years for project engineer, 15 years for construction manager 10 years for site engineer and 10 years for qty surveyor
Newspaper Jhang Newspaper dated 25-Sep-2016
Contact Number 92 51 5766525-6
Apply @ :
Apply Now
Email [email protected]
Last Date to Apply

function checkd(){ var d = new Date(); var DDate = d.getDate(); var DMonth = d.getMonth(); var DYear = d.getFullYear(); var LDate = \’15-10-2016\’; var TDate = DDate + \”-\” + DMonth + \”-\” + DYear; dateFirst = LDate.split(\’-\’); dateSecond = TDate.split(\’-\’); tempd = dateFirst[1]-1; var dateOne = new Date(dateFirst[2], tempd, dateFirst[0]); //Year, Month, Date //last date var dateTwo = new Date(dateSecond[2], dateSecond[1], dateSecond[0]); // current date if (dateOne >= dateTwo) { document.getElementById(\”rdate\”).innerHTML = \”Hurry Up!!!! you can apply by : \” + dateFirst[0] + \” – \” + dateFirst[1] + \” – \” + dateFirst[2]; } if (dateOne < dateTwo) { document.getElementById("rdate").innerHTML = " Sorry!!!, The Last Date has gone, you are Late.\”; } } checkd();

Address M/S Amanat Hussain & Co. (Pvt) limited – House No. 654, Street No. 7, Imran Khan Avenue Chaklala Scheme – III, Rawalpindi
Categories Contractor Jobs, Planning Engineer Jobs, Project Manager Jobs, Construction Manager Jobs, Site Engineer Jobs, Quantity Surveyor Jobs,
Sub Categories Pakistan Jobs, Civil Contractor Jobs, Rawalpindi Jobs,

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