Renewable Resources (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan Company Profile

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: October 26, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 4 min | 👁Post Views: 791

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House No. 7, Street 48 , F-7/4 Islamabad
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Company Type Consulting Engineering Firm
Origin / Country Pakistan
Founder Irfan Afzal Mirza
Founded Since Not Provided
Services / Products Grid Connected Power Systems, Offgrid Power Systems, Hybrid Systems
Brief Profile The individuals holding RE2 and those employed in the company are true technocrats of renewable energies with relevant academic base and strong background experience. The team of RE2 has remained involved in pioneering work for development of renewable energy program of Pakistan and has been a part of pilot deployments in the country. The passion of renewable energies is such that the company has no sideline operations and all sustenance is achieved through energy security projects. RE2 was formed in 2009 under the Companies Ordinance Act, 1984 as a private limited company. The registered office is located in the federal capital of Pakistan. The ultimate vision of company is to become a global entrepreneur and a name to recognize at all energy forums in the future and become the biggest energy advisor organization of Pakistan.

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