Syed Ameer Ul Hassan exclusively on

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: April 12, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 1540
Meet  “Syed Ameer Ul Hassan” @

He is a graduate Civil Engineer from University of Engineering and technology, Taxila, Pakistan currently working as Deputy District Officer (Roads) Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. He is a very rational and motivated professional. Here are few of the interesting lines he gifted us to share it with our fans of  

In which department you are currently employed? And what is your job designation? 
I am currently working in Communication & Works Department as Deputy District Officer (Roads) Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.

According to you which quality should be there in all civil engineers?
Civil engineers must have a strong instantaneous decision and verdict power; this will help them a lot while working in the field.

Which day can be regarded as “The most marvelous day of your life”? 
While getting my BSc. degree at Jinnah convention centre Islamabad.Pakistan

What you think regarding scope of Civil Engineering? 
Scope of civil engineering is enormously gigantic and infinite. As you know civil engineering is mother of all engineering fields, its scope is inestimable.

What do you think regarding GPA, Does it matters or not?
Well I think GPA doesn’t matter 😀 only luck matters 😛

 What are your duty timings as a DDO (Roads)?
Duty timings are very erratic and variable. If there are enduring and ongoing projects you have to work 12 to 18 hours and if no project is there than you can relax more then you can imagine 😀

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 What do you think why civil engineers don\’t have a love story?
Well this is very interesting and exciting question,
Who say they don’t have? 😛

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 One negative thing you observed in civil engineering as a profession?
Well one negative thing I observed is that their personal life is affected badly and roughly due to their hectic field jobs.

 What advice would you give to a forthcoming student wanting Civil Engineer as a profession?
Well one and only advice would be to have a strong decision and assessment power and once you took a decision you should stuck with it, you should also apply latest and up-to-date knowledge to your projects because one downbeat I observed is that most of projects are being executed according to old specifications i.e of 1973!

From Editors Desk

I hope you would like this as our first entry in meetups[at] This purpose of these meetups is just to motivate the students and civil engineers around the world with successful and big-guns of civil engineers throughout the world. If you think you yourself or any of your surrounding friends are among the ones we should publish then simply email us on; [email protected] or post on our page i.e.
Don’t forget to share this story with your friends and buddies. Happy civil engineering 😀

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