What is Asphalt Prime Coat?

The shear strength of the final asphalt product is affected by the quality of the asphalt prime coat applied.  Asphalt Prime Coat is also termed as emulsified asphalt, water diluted asphalt and Cutback aliphatic spray. Recently I have got the chance of working on a highway project somewhere in a mountainous cold-weather region.  And I โ€ฆ Read more

6+ Factors Affecting Design Of Pavements

A pavement is a hard crust constructed over the natural soil for the purpose of providing stable and even surface for eh vehicles. The pavement supports and distributes the wheel loads and provides an adequate wearing surface. Pavements are basically of three types;  โ€ข Flexible Pavements  โ€ข Rigid Pavements  โ€ข Semi-Flexible Pavements  The design of โ€ฆ Read more

Advantages of Soil Cement

I had recently written an article about what is soil cement, what are the different ingredients in soil cement, how soil cement is used in highways and pavements and also what are the different types of soil cement. Now one of our fan and follower have given us a question that why should we use โ€ฆ Read more

What is Soil Cement

We know that soil clay or sand is capable of withstanding heavy loads but is subjected to settlement, consolidation and deformation, which if not controlled, result in shear failure or an ultimate collapse of the structure.  Actually it is a known fact that while mixing different construction material would also combine their positives. So Soil โ€ฆ Read more

Marshall Stability Test ASTM D6927

Marshall Stability and Flow Test is basically one portion of the Marshall Mix Design process beside Void ratios and Density calculations as other processes. Marshall Stability Test gives an idea about the sustainability and strength of the asphalt mix of various proportions under the dynamic loading of the traffic. As per the standard procedure for โ€ฆ Read more