Use of Fly ash in Concrete & Its Benefits and Effects

A pozzolana is a natural or artificial material containing silica in a reactive form. By themselves, pozzolanas have little or no cementitious value. However, in a finely divided form and in the presence of moisture they will chemically react with alkalis to form cementing compounds. Fly ash has little cementing property when only water is โ€ฆ Read more

Difference between Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Pozzolana & Portland Slag Cement

Ordinary Portland Cement: โ€“ OPC is produced by finely grinding OPC clinker obtained from the cement kilns. This cement on hydration produces C-S-H gel (Calcium โ€“ Silicate โ€“ Hydrate) Gel, which provides cementation property and is the primarily responsible for strength is cement products. Along with C-S-H gel it also produces Ca(OH)2, which does not โ€ฆ Read more

What is Plum Concrete?

The word plum means large stones which are termed as boulders or coarse aggregates if technically speaking. The plum concrete is actually an economical variation of mass concrete. It is one of the many different types of concrete. The use of plum concrete is preferred if the required thickness of PCC is excessive or large. โ€ฆ Read more

All about Lightweight Concrete

Structural lightweight aggregate concrete is an important and versatile material in modern construction. I has many and varied applications: multistory building frames and floors, curtain walls, shell roofs, folded plates, bridges, prestressed or precast elements of all types, and others. In many cases the architectural expression of form combined with functional design can be achieved โ€ฆ Read more

Types of Concrete

Concrete is one of the widest used construction material whether it is a dam or a house or a bridge or flyover. Concrete is basically of three components water, aggregate and cement. Aggregate acts as a filling agent while cement mostly Portland cement act as a binding agent.   Concrete is basically the most popular โ€ฆ Read more