What are different types of Soil Cement

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: September 30, 2016 | ⏳Read Time: 3 min | 👁Post Views: 1021

Depending on the amount and type of constituents used in soil cements; it is available in many forms and types in local areas. Some of them are as follows :-

1. Cement Modified Soil (CMS)
2. Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR)
3. Soil-Cement Base (SCB)
4. Cement-Treated base (CTB)

Cement Modified Soil (CMS)

If the mixture of soil and cement have relatively low cement content that normal soil-cement than it is termed as Cement Modified Soil. The result of such mixture is cracked or slightly hardened material, similar to a soil, but with improved mechanical properties such as lower plasticity increased bearing ratio and shearing strength, and decreased volume change. The purpose of modifying soil with Portland cement is to improve a substandard soil’s engineering qualities.
CMS may be used to decrease a clay or silt clay soil’s cohesiveness (plasticity), decrease its volume change characteristics, increasing its bearing capacity or transform a wet, soft sub grade into a surface that will support construction equipment.

Full Depth Reclamation 

It is the most useful and sustainable advantage of soil-cement. In this case aggregate for the cement treated base is obtained by pulverizing i.e. crushing to fine powder and recycling the old aspahtl surface and base material into a new fully hardened durable, frost resistant base.

Soil Cement Base

In this type a relatively higher cement content is introduced. As a result it can be used as a cheap pavement base for roads, streets, parking lots and airports. In this case it is used as a base course and thus require a seal coat or a wearing course to keep moisture out and to reduce the wear and tear.
In comparison with granular bases, soil cement bases can be thinner in cross section and due to slab like behavior it distributes the load on larger area.  It can be constructed with the help of easily local available materials and thus it conserves both material and energy.

Cement Treated Base

A cement-treated base is a mix of granular soil aggregates or aggregate material with Portland cement and water. It is similar to that of Soil Cement base.

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