Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: January 19, 2014 | ⏳Read Time: 2 min | 👁Post Views: 891
Civil engineer who specializes in soil analysis (geotechnical investigation), water drainage, and other factors influencing the designs of foundations and the structures built on them is called Soil Engineering.Soil mechanics one of the most important Subject of  Civil Engineering . We can easily understood the important of soil in foundation of structure and stability of the structure. This post is about what is soil engineering , course content ,book, practicals , and video

Soils consist of a heterogeneous mixture of fluids (usually air and water) and particles (usually clay, silt, sand, and gravel) but soil may also contain organic solids, liquids, and gases and other matter.soil mechanics provides the theoretical basis for analysis in geotechnical engineering,a subdiscipline of civil engineering, and engineering geology, a subdiscipline of geology.
After Studying Soil mechanics we can analyze the deformations of and flow of fluids within natural and man-made structures that are supported on or made of soil, or structures that are buried in soils.Example applications are building and bridge foundations, retaining walls, dams, and buried pipeline systems. Principles of soil mechanics are also used in related disciplines such as engineering geology, geophysical engineering, coastal engineering, agricultural engineering, hydrology and soil physics.

Course Content

Soil Mechanics 1
Soil Mechanics 2

Books Reffered
  1. Soil Mechanics by Verjuit 
  2. Soil Mechanics by UFC

Lab Portion
Lab Manual
Detail of every Practical in slide form 

Download the package:
 This package has been designed to ensure that maximum of the above course will be provided; including books, notes, class notes, lectures,Videos 

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